Want to know what dog fleas look like to the human eye so, to get rid of flea infestations as quickly as possible? In this article, we will outline those characteristics and what you should do about them.
No one wants to have a flea infestation. However, it happens due to diverse circumstances. It is possible to prevent it, but as long as we have pets at home, there is a higher risk of getting flea infestations.
Most people don’t know they have flea infestations until they find the bites on humans. We will talk about what dog fleas look like to the human eye to correct that error.
What do Dog Fleas Look like?
To know whether your dog has fleas, watch out for their behavior. A dog with fleas will be profoundly troubled. They will bite, lick and scratch themselves, around the tail, neck and head excessively. These are the areas we might likely find flea eggs and living spaces.
Because of the biting and scratching, the dog’s skin might become inflamed which you might notice, once you part their furs.
Another way to discover these fleas is by using a flea comb to check through their furs. Look for specks of dirt or pepper that might sometimes look like tiny insects. It is also possible to find fleas, especially around the head, neck and tail.
You can also find fleas by doing a thorough check around the home, especially in cracks, drapery, furniture or carpet. Search for flea feces. You can also moisten suspected specks, to see if they turn maroon or red, then you have a match.
A very ridiculous but effective way to check for fleas is by wearing long white socks and move around the house. Fleas usually jump on the ankles, feet and lower legs of humans. You can immediately single them out if you find dark, tan or reddish-brown insects jumping all around.

Do I Have to Own a Pet to Have Flea Infestations?
When people own fleas, they have higher risks of flea infestations. However, fleas can also infest homes without pests. This can happen if we purchase used furniture that has fleas. It can even occur if our neighbor has a dog or cat with fleas. If someone recently moved to a home where previous owners had pets with fleas, there might be a flea infestation. It is also possible to get fleas when wild animals (squirrels, skunks, raccoons, and opossums), mice or rats bring them home.
Should I Worry About Fleas on My Dog?
Flea bites might not be harmful to humans, but they can cause more problems for your little ones. Fleas typically consume the blood of host animals to survive. They prefer animals such as dogs, cats or other nonhuman animals as hosts. They do not voluntarily leave their host animals and can remain there for their lifetime. Even if they are forced to leave the host, they might return or seek a new host. Flea infestations can cause severe discomfort for the pets. Aside from the constant biting, licking and itching, the pet can have flea allergy dermatitis.
Flea allergy dermatitis is a severe and extreme condition. It occurs when the pet develops allergies to flea saliva. In these cases, the biting, scratching and itching will get worse. Intense irritation and infections may be the outcome. The pet might also have bald spots from losing hair and smelly skin.
How to Prevent Fleas on My Dog
To successfully control flea infestation, you must avoid it from occurring. Vets can recommend dog flea treatments to treat your pets. However, you should also take extra steps to prevent it, such as:
- Vacuum and apply products with Insect growth regulators (IGR) in your home to destroy flea larvae and eggs before they mature
- Spray the surrounding woods, garden, storage buildings, decks and woodpiles, with IGR containing products especially if your pet lives mostly outside. You can repeat this process using three to five applications, every 14 to 21 days.
You must realize that fleas usually live in a cocoon for up to nine months before they reach their adult stage. In that cocoon stage, most insecticides might not work. You must reapply those insecticides on a routine basis. Using the information, you now have on what fleas look like to the human eye, you can figure out if you have a flea infestation on time. Make sure you call the professionals immediately. They can help you get a clearer picture and act quickly before the infestation spreads.