Some wonder what the difference is between Scabies vs Flea Bites. Fleas cause flea bites and mites cause scabies. There are differences in appearance and symptoms albeit for some reason they are mistaken for one another. Flea bites are swollen bumps surrounded by a reddish halo caused by the feeding behavior of the parasitic insect. However, scabies is brought on by a human, canine or feline scabies mite, this skin condition is highly contagious. If you want to know how to tell the two apart, keep reading.

Scabies vs Fleas
Scabies infections brought on by mites of the species Genus Sarcoptes. These parasitic bugs can only reproduce properly while feeding on human blood and while feeding they also lay eggs. Their lifespan ranges from two to four weeks, but they will continue to be a cause of discomfort if the area or animal is not given treatment. Pet mites may affect humans however human mites never jump on animals.
Symptoms of Scabies
- Blisters on the bite area, usually in the shape of a tiny pimple or red rashes.
- The bite is extremely itchy and if you scratch, the blister will open up and if left untreated, secondary infections will develop caused by the activities of harmful bacteria.
- The itching gets worse at night.
- The symptoms may not be obvious until after a few weeks.
- The common sign of a mite bite is the burrow-like path they carve out while laying eggs and feeding.
- Angry reddish rashes and extreme itching.
- The symptoms are worse for the elderly and children.
From these, you can tell that flea bites which never forms blisters except when infected are easily different from scabies, especially since flea bites are not contagious. This should help you differentiate from scabies vs flea bites.