In this article we will discuss how to treat flea bites on humans. Flea bites are one major problem for pet owners all around the world. These small red swollen bumps typically appear in clusters. Plus, they come with a discomfort of itching and number of infectious diseases. Flea bites can cause Bartonella, Murine Typhus and Apedermatitis. Plus, they can also cause a number of tape worms including Dipylidum Caninum. They can also transfer Borrelia burgdorferi which is an agent of Lyme disease.

However, flea bites treatment can happen very easily by use of artificial as well as home remedies. One thing to consider is that fleas spend 90 percent of their lifetime away from the hosts body so it is not only the host body that should be treated in order to prevent flea bites. One should also consider treatment of environment in order to prevent flea bites. If you have become a victim to flea bite than first lesson for you is not to itch the affected area. As an open wound would become and entry point for bacterial infection.
Moreover, your nails can also become a carrier for contamination. First thing one should do in case of flea bite is to clean the affected area by washing it with warm water and soap. After that it is wise to use an anti-septic such as cotton dipped in alcohol or medical spirit in order to kill any bacteria. To ease the discomfort of itching ask your doctors about antihistamines. Histamines are the chemical in one’s body which are responsible for sensation of itching. Antihistamines suppress these hormones and prevent itching. Anti-itch creams which contain calamines are also good in this case. If your itching become severe, ask your physician about use hydroxyzine. These should be put to use with doctor’s orders.
Natural Remedies for Flea Bites Treatments Include Following:
- Aloe Vera can be useful as gel directly taken from the leaf of plant or you can also purchase bottled gel from nearby store.
- Wash the area with tea water or use tea bags which can also be useful to soothe the area.
- Crushed leaves of basil or calendula flowers can also be helpful.
- Oatmeal baths are able to give comfort in this situation. Make sure the water is not too hot or it will let your skin dry increasing itchiness.
- Few drops of Echinacea are also helpful on blisters.
- Take a coconut, collect its pulp and blend it. No apply the paste on affected area and wrap a clothing around it. It will not only reduce the swelling but will also ease the itchiness. Do these 3 to 4 times a day.
- Use of tea tree oil is also useful
- Apple cedar vinegar can also be used to treat flea bites. You can apply it directly on your skin or you can use it in your daily food.
- Lavender oil is also known to cure flea bites.
- Citrus fruits have a sharp sour smell. Try using it in order to prevent flea bites on open parts of your body.
- Garlic is also hated by fleas. Their paste or increase in food would also help you to be protected from flea bites.
These were some of the natural and artificial remedies against flea bites. Hope you like it. Always consider to consult your physician before using any remedy. Be sure to sheck back for more information on how to treat flea bites on humans For all-natural flea and tick treatments visit: