Flea infestations can be so problematic that it is reasonable to worry about fleas on rats. In this article, we will discuss fleas on rats- everything you should know.
Fleas are blood-sucking parasites that usually feed on humans and warm-blooded animals. However, fleas may also infest rats, but it is not a regular occurrence. In such scenarios, the fleas are transferred from dogs, cats or other wild rodents to the pet rat. When flea infestations occur, you should act immediately to treat your home and the pet rat.
How to Identify Fleas on Rats

- The most obvious way to detect fleas on rats is by noticing how frequently the rat scratches areas of the skin.
- If the itching occurs at densely covered areas like the armpits or belly, then you might be dealing with fleas.
- Look for missing patches of fur or red scabs, which might also mean that there is an irritant even if they are not scratching the area.
- You may also find coffee like specks of dirt, which are flea feces when you use a flea comb to groom your rat’s fur.
- Search for signs of fleas around your rats sleeping place, cage, or bedding.
Treatment Options for your Pet
Before selecting any treatment method, you should talk to your veterinarian. They can help you confirm whether you are dealing with fleas or something else. They also determine the right flea solutions to use to remove the fleas from your rat.
Another reason why you must consult your vet in this scenario is the likelihood of other diseases. A specific kind of flea called rat flea (Xenopyslla cheopis) also feeds selectively on the blood of rodents. Other fleas can also feed on the flood of rodents, but an infestation of this kind is especially dangerous to you. Rat fleas are well-known careers of diseases, including the much-dreaded “bubonic plague.” Your vet will help you avoid unwanted complications and pick the right treatment option that works for your rat and you.
Get Rid of Flea Infestations from Your Home
After dealing with fleas on rats, you must also treat your home to prevent future problems. Here are some steps to take:
- You can start by deep cleaning your pet’s sleeping area with diluted bleach and indoor-safe pesticides.
- Vacuum your home thoroughly to get rid of fleas, their eggs, and feces
- Call your pest exterminator to help you get free of the flea infestation completely
Flea infestations usually affect pets and humans, but fleas on rats can equally happen as well. Get your pet rat to the vet to identify other complications and pick the right treatment. Afterward, call the pest exterminator and get the fleas out of your home. Now you know about fleas on rats and how you can help.