Diatomaceous earth for fleas is a substance that has naturally occurring minerals such as calcium, silicon and magnesium, diatoms and microscopic water plants. This substance is effective in controlling fleas due to the fact that they can dry out the waxy layer of most insects not just fleas until they die; it is why they are called desiccants.
This product is a good long-term investment against flea attacks in the home and surroundings. It means you never have to worry about any infestation especially if you have dogs or cats that love to play outside. Diatomaceous earth is easy to apply and considered a miracle drug against fleas.
Application of Diatomaceous Earth

Although D.E consists of natural substances, they are quite harmful to humans and any other living thing around there. Application is with a dust mask, gloves and goggles. Spray as directed and ensure that you read every caution written on the product container.
Spread the earth powder around doorways, baseboards, inside carpets and windows. The areas in the surrounding that should cover are entry points and foundation. Vacate your premises immediately after application so you will not inhale the toxic substance
D.E can be purchased in any garden supply store, they are very common.