What are cat allergic reactions to flea saliva? In felines, there are four known sources of allergic reactions, they are; inhalant, food, contact and Fleas. If the cat is allergic to a substance, her immune system will overreact to alien substances or compounds known as antigens or allergens.

What does flea allergy mean?
Every person and animal can experience small itching sensations when bitten by a flea. However, cat allergic reactions to flea saliva can be extreme. This is due to the effects of the flea saliva on the cats’ skin. Further, when fleas feed on the cats, they leave behind deposits of saliva. One flea bite is enough to cause severe itching.
How does the allergy affect a cat?
Cats respond to the urge to scratch by constantly chewing or licking the affected spot. This relentless scratching definitely leads to open sores and scabs on the skin and loss of fur which opens the door to another bacterial infection. The parts likely to be affected are the tail and rump because fleas chose to stay on those areas where the animal cannot reach easily to dislodge them.
Proffered treatments for FAD
Several products are designed to tackle the spread of fleas and in extreme cases; you may need to apply more than one. However, these products effectively control fleas strictly as long as they are applied religiously and consistently. Some of them can be applied directly on your cat others are for its environment.
Steroids or Cortisones commonly recognized as corticosteroids can be administered to the infested cat, they are mostly resistant to the numerous side effects of steroids. It offers immediate relief from the allergic reactions from flea saliva. This solution might not augur well with all cats, others respond better to oral medications and long-term injections.
At the same time, to avoid any chances of your cat reacting badly to steroids, it is advisable to administer in small doses and just enough to give the cat a much-needed comfort.
Another method is introducing the small amounts of flea saliva extract to your cat’s body over an extended period. This is so the cat’s immune system can acclimatize to flea saliva with little or no reactions to it in the future.
If the allergies are not brought by flea saliva, these are possible reasons for the itching;
- Harvest mites
- Food intolerance
- Bacterial infections on the skin
- Insect bites
- Ear mites
- Atopy (Pollen and House dust allergy)