Best Natural Flea Remedies for Pets? Flea infestation is always a concern for pet owners. All natural flea repellents are more popular than ever. Cat owners’ resort to natural methods in order to side-step the blow back from using synthetic or chemical products. So, if you are interested in finding those natural methods, these are some you can work with.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is made with one part water and two parts of apple cedar vinegar. This diluted mix can be applied in two different ways, whichever is more comfortable for you. You can use a flea comb into the mix, then groom your cat with the comb or you pour into a spray bottle and apply.
This treatment will cause the removal of yeast and allergens which are the reasons why your cats develop rashes. It will not kill the fleas on your cat but the parasites are likely to jump off. As a precaution, before application ensure that your pet is completely free from open wounds or sores, if you find even one, don’t let it come in contact with the Vinegar.
Chips made from Cedar
In the study of these parasitic insects, it has been confirmed that they stay away from Cedar scents. Now the best way to apply these chips for treatment is by placing them strategically around your cats bedding that is assuming your cat does not mind the overwhelming scent of Cedar.
Secondly, spread the cider chips around your surrounding in order to prevent fleas from even coming close to the house. Then, if you are sure that you cat does not react to the cedar scent, dab a folded bandanna with only a drop of alcohol mixed with cedar oil, it will serve as a flea repellant collar.
Herb – Rosemary
This herb is effective in chasing the insects away due to fact that they are averse to it. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory characteristics which will soothe the itching caused by flea bites; all you have to do is boil fresh Rosemary leaves in hot water. When it cools down, soak your cat in it.
Next, grind dried Rosemary leaves to a powder and spread generously around your cats bedding and play area. Fleas will literally flee from those places.
Juice from Aloe Vera
Best Natural Flea Remedies for Pets? Some cat owners choose to administer this treatment mixed with cayenne pepper. You mix Aloe Vera juice with the grinded pepper; pour the mix into a spray bottle. Apply it carefully all over your cat but ensure that it does not come in contact with its eyes.
Aloe Vera which repels fleas naturally also cools the itch left by a flea bite. It is important to note that while the gel is not harmful to cats, the latex is extremely if ingested by the pet. So, try your best to keep the plants away from your cat, if this treatment method seems too dangerous, drop it and try others.
Lemon Juice
To prepare this treatment, cut lemons into several pieces and boil, allow it to soak in the water for twelve hours. Then pour into a spray bottle and apply on your pet’s coat. Before application, ensure that the cat does not have any open wound and that it does not come in contact with its eyes.
Fleas are very susceptible to citric acid which lemons have in droves, that’s why they are effective against fleas. When you’re washing your cats bedding, add a cup of squeezed lemon juice into the machine, this should eliminate any flea egg or adult flea still clinging to the materials.
Flower – Lavender
Lavender flea repellent can be prepared very easily, first, soak in water for twelve hours or just leave it overnight. Then strain thoroughly to extract the liquid, once that is completed, pour into a spray bottle of your choice. Spray on your cats coat for carefully this is to make sure that it does not get into their mouth, eyes or nose. If you want to prevent this from happening, you can dip a flea comb into the liquid lavender and groom the cat.
Planting lavender in your garden will ensure that fleas keep away from your environment because they hate lavender scent. This is the catch, lavender plants are safe for animal ingestion but the essential oils which are usually very concentrated can be extremely harmful to cats.
Eucalyptus plant
First, this treatment method is rare and controversial because the plant is dangerous to some cats while others are allergic to its scent, but it is very effective in keeping flea at bay.
However, to keep your pet out of danger, place the plants in lidded jars filled with holes around the house. The fragrance will waft out from these holes throughout the house. On the flip side, cats will not go near the eucalyptus jars because they abhor the scent but you still have to keep them away from cat’s reach.
Now, for those living California or Australia, they can grow eucalyptus around the house. Cats should never be allowed to wander outside or close to the area where it was planted otherwise, it might die.
Salt: Flea eggs and adult fleas dry out when they come in contact with salt. All you have to do is sprinkle it on your carpet and on your pet’s beddings. Brush it in thoroughly; don’t sweep it off for two days and no more. If you don’t remove the salt from the carpet it will become wet which might lead to your house stinking terribly.
Diatomaceous Earth
This is made from fossilized algae. This is probably the safest treatment for flea infestation because both humans and animals can inhale it without coming to any harm. However, these parasitic insects cannot survive wherever they are applied. Like salts, it dries them out completely; even better, fleas cannot become resistant to it.
You can apply it around the house in a fine, defined line; this should make it easier for you to vacuum it up after three days.
Clean out the house
Best Natural Flea Remedies for Pets? It is easier to get rid of adult fleas than its eggs, larvae or pupae. When you want to eliminate fleas completely, wash every material thoroughly especially the cat’s beddings. It is best if you machine wash because the bugs cannot survive under high heat; add vinegar or lemon to the machine before washing.
Vacuum the entire house with salt and diatomaceous earth at least once a week. Dispose of the dirt bags at a far distance to stop the fleas from infesting your home all over the again. Read More…