Cats are always interesting to have around, they like to play, hunt, and scratch. What happens though when that scratch is due to an itch from flea bites? Your first thought is treatment! You want to ensure that the fleas are gone, and your feline friend is feeling better! What if you were able to prevent this from being any kind of issue in the first place? Let’s look at some natural flea deterrents for cats!
Cedar Chip
Cedar chips are the first natural flea deterrent we will look at for cats! Cedar is something that fleas dislike because of their scent. You can place some around the cat bedding but be aware cats do also tend to dislike this smell as well! You can place cedar chips around bedding and outside also to keep fleas at bay!
Fleas also dislike rosemary! You can grind it up and sprinkle it around the common areas your cat uses, around their bedding, and where they play. If your cat has already fallen prey to fleas and is now excessively itching rosemary can help too! Soak water in the leaves and allow it to cool then put your cat in the water! This is a natural remedy but be cautious as some cats do not have tolerance for bathing!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is also a good remedy for fleas! While this may not kill fleas, they dislike it enough that if you spray your cat they should jump off. This allows you the time to spot them and kill them quicker. You can mix this with water in a 2 to 1 ratio and then use on your cats coat!
Coconut Oil
Coconut has many benefits to it! It can help to make your cats fur shiny! It can also soothe any itching your cat may have from flea bites! It also smothers fleas and parasites! This method is a little more time consuming because it does require you to bathe them with a cat shampoo, use the oil, keep your cat isolated for a few hours, then wash the oil off to remove the smothered fleas.
Lemon Juice
Citric Acid is a very good flea killer because the citric acid in them is great at killing fleas! To make your own flea deterrent cut a lemon and place it in water bringing to a boil. Let this mixture soak overnight and then you can spray your cat with it. Since it is citric acid and citric acid can sting, please ensure your cat has no cuts. You also would want to avoid spraying this mixture in your cats’ eyes as well. You can also use this as a natural flea killer for their bedding! One cup of lemon juice added to the washer will kill and fleas or their eggs that may remain!

You can use finely ground salt to kill any fleas or their eggs in carpeting. If you live in a humid environment, you will want to avoid letting this sit or else your carpet will become mushy. You would want to sprinkle salt on your carpet and brush it in, let it sit for 2 days and then vacuum! You can also use a saltwater mixture on any surfaces that are hard and not carpeted!
With any of the above remedies you would want to ensure you take the proper precautions. For any mixtures you will be using on your pet avoid their eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible, so they don’t have irritation or side effects. This can help ensure you and your feline are happy and flea free!