Those who may look for natural methods for flea infestations wonder about lemon sprays for flea eradication. Fleas are bad news for humans and animals. First, they need blood to survive, but unlike bedbugs, they do not bite and fall off, they have to live on that pet throughout their lifetime. Then, fleas reproduce at a high rate, at least fifty eggs per day. This means that if left untreated, your home can be overrun with the parasites in just a few weeks.
There are several products that which are manufactured to control fleas, however, 80% of these products are made with chemicals, harmful substances that can hurt your pet and family if used frequently. Natural methods are far better and more effective, consider lemon sprays which can kill and repel fleas.
Quick facts about fleas – How the infestation begins
The parasites are not particularly picky about their choice of host. They pick on non-domesticated animals found around your yard like raccoons, possums and squirrels. Naturally, fleas have to reproduce and when they do, the non-sticky eggs falls right on your yard – where your pets play – the eggs develop into larvae, pupae and finally adults poised to jump on the unsuspecting pet. If you never let your pet go outside, but the yard is infested already, fleas may stick to your clothing and still jump on the cat or dog once inside.
Two thousand species have been discovered but the variety commonly found on dogs, cats and homes are cat fleas scientifically known as ctenocephalides felis.
How to inspect your home and pets for flea presence
Homes: You need a pair of white socks for this, put them on and walk around the entire house, outdoors and shady areas. If fleas are present, you will find them stuck to the bottom of your socks.
Pets: Groom your pet regularly with a flea comb, it a ‘fine tooth comb’. If there are fleas living on your pet, you will see them stuck to the teeth of the flea comb. Next, you may notice your pet scratching consistently as a reaction to flea bites.
Application of Cultural Control Methods
Now, after the inspection, you may have a negative or positive result. Either way, put up a masonry fence covering the whole yard. This should effectively keep the small wild animals away. Of course, the existent animals such as squirrels cannot be removed with only a fence.
If your house is already surrounded by a fence, ensure that all holes in the wall is sealed shut then cover any other openings in your house, you can start by plugging the vents.
Squirrels are known to thrive in trees, so if your neighbor’s tree has grown into your yard, ask for permission to cut off the offending branches.
Fleas cannot be completely eradicated in an unhygienic environment as confirmed in an article by (CUIL) Cornell University Insect Laboratory “A clean home surpasses any treatment given to the pet” So ensure that you mow the lawn, sweep your porch and mop, get rid of weeds, prune shrubs and trees to give more opening for sun light. Dispose of the piles of leaves and other organic debris properly.
Cedar chips are natural flea repellents so after cleaning scatter the chips around the house especially those areas that you confirmed to be flea infested. If cedar chips are not accessible, you can alternate with penny royal a member of mint species. It is also a flea repellent.
If the search revealed fleas right inside the home, vacuum the rugs, underneath the beds, rugs, carpets and couches at least five times a week. Machine-wash your pets bedding, fleas will not survive inside the heat, immediately transfer to a dryer after washing.
How to make Lemon Spray

You may now wonder how to make lemon spray for flea eradication. Lemon sprays are confirmed to be more of a repellent than flea killers. According to an article published by the Canine Journal, it is a natural repellent. If the spray is applied on your pet (check for open sores before spraying) and in the house fleas will steer clear of them.
To prepare, divide the lemon into thin slices and throw into a pot containing twelve ounces of water. Cover it and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for half an hour. Move the pot away from the stove and let the lemon water sit for approximately nine hours. Scoop out the thinly sliced lemons and pour the water/lemon mixture into a spray bottle. Refrigerate for three days.
Others like to use a combination of lemons and apple cider vinegar for lemon spray for flea eradication.
How to apply your spray
After series of research, the ASPCA discovered that some cats, dogs and horse’s skins are photosensitive to lemons, which makes it toxic. This is why you should consult your veterinary doctor to determine if it is safe for you to administer the spray directly on the animal.
Your pet has to be clean and dry and with complete backing from the vet spray your homemade spray on the animal’s coat lightly. Avoid all open areas such as ears, eyes, between the toes and genitals. This is to reduce the irritability. Use a flea comb to spread the lightly sprayed solution on the skin, if the pet begins to exhibit signs of extreme discomfort stop immediately.
Rid your home of fleas
Vacuuming is one of the best choices you can take in the process of removing fleas, this is because the suction should remove every flea, from egg to adult. Spray your lemon solution lightly on carpets, bedding, baseboards, beneath furniture and cracks. Seal the bag containing the dirt and dispose properly preferably far from the home to avoid re-infestation.
Getting rid of fleas is not a onetime process. Maybe your pet has stopped scratching for the meantime but there may still be flea eggs around the house. Keep searching and removing through the aforementioned processes until you are absolutely sure there are no more fleas.
However, if you try all these and get only negative results then consider what CCH (California Health Program) recommends;
Have your vet advice you on the appropriate spot treatment medication and before you apply pesticides, read the instructions written on the label.
Or you consult an expert pest removal company to treat your home with a flea growth disruptor, it will stop the parasites from completing their cycle and allow the company to apply any suitable pyrethroid.