How do I Keep Fleas from Jumping on Me? Fleas are creepy and annoying insects that can make pets extremely uncomfortable, but although their blood-sucking activity is primarily directed at pets, they also don’t spare humans. Especially people who have pets and live in flea-infested environments.
Fleas have strong legs with which they can jump very long distances. A flea living under a murky grass in your yard may jump several meters up and perch on your cloth with you noticing it. So also, they could jump on your pet, and that way, they’ll make their way into your home. Completely eliminating fleas from your pet, your home and your yard. Product Review…
Have you been searching the internet with terms like how do I keep fleas from jumping on me? Continue reading to find out how.
Clean up your yard to keep fleas from jumping on you
First step to keep fleas from jumping on you is to clean your yard. Mow down all tall grasses and dispose heaps of grasses that may serve as warm and humid environment for fleas to live. Keep the grasses in your lawn short and neat, so there won’t be a hiding place for fleas.
Treat your yard with flea repellants to keep fleas from jumping on you
Flea sprays and flea repellant chemicals can help keep fleas away from your environment. Check your nearest pest control shop to buy a flea spray or diatomaceous earth. These treatments can wipe off the existing fleas, and repel new fleas from coming into your yard.
Cider cuttings also provide answers to your question of how do I keep fleas from jumping on me? Fleas are allergic to the smell of cider. So, you can keep fleas from jumping on you by dropping cider cuttings around your yard. You may also spray diluted apple cider vinegar around your yard and home to repel fleas.
Give your pet flea treatment
If you want to keep fleas from jumping on you, you need to treat your pet of fleas. Bath your dog or cat with a flea shampoo to kill already existing infestations and prevent fresh infestation. You can also buy flea collars and put them on the neck of your pet. Some flea collars emit gases that kill and repel fleas. Once you have treated your pet, there becomes lesser chances of flea jumping on you.
Fog your home to keep fleas from jumping on you
The use of foggers is an effective way of eliminating fleas and other blood-sucking insects from your home. Fogging not only kills fleas, it also kills flea pupae and larva, and keep you and your family free from flea infestation for several months.
Just like bed bugs, fleas are not easy to deal with. So, in cases of severe infestation, don’t just sit around, fix the problem. Follow the steps highlighted above, or consult a pest control expert. Read More…