Ridding your yard of fleas can be one herculean task. Unlike inside the home where you can easily deploy your treatment strategy, the yard with its large expanse of land may be difficult to cover. Its sheer size may be intimidating. Usually, you’re at a loss as to where to start from. The good news is that you don’t need to cover all areas of your yard. Only learn where these fleas can be found, more like flashpoints and then proceed to get rid of them for good. Before you commence, you will need help. That’s why we have our home remedies for fleas in the yard to serve as a guide.
Treating Fleas in the Yard
Most of the time, we come across statements like “I de-flea my home regularly, my pets are not left out in my treatment modalities, yet my flea troubles seem unending”. This is where most homeowners get it wrong. Treating just your home and maybe your pets will not provide a solution to your flea problem. And if they do, the effect will only be short-lived.
Fleas are one pest that can survive and breed outdoors until an ample opportunity presents itself for them to stroll unencumbered to your home. Adopting a holistic strategy such as extending your treatments to the yard, is the best way to go. Do your pets and kids spend more time in your yard playing around? Then it is very necessary you treat your yard properly and rid it of every flea infestation.
Growing Flea-Repelling Plants
This will go a long way in repelling fleas from your yard. Many of these plants are herbs that are useful in cooking, baking and making tea. Having them around in your garden will serve diverse purposes. Examples of these plants include Mints, Catnips, Sage, Rosemary, Chamomile, Lavender and Lemongrass.
Meanwhile, if you have pets like Dogs and Cats, it may be best if you avoid having these plants around. While they can help repel fleas, they are toxic to our household pets.
Fleas are repulsed by the scent of cedar chips. Sprinkle these chips in areas you suspect to be flea infested. Areas like shady trees, decayed debris and stunted shrubs. Cedar chips can be turned into a fine powder and still be very effective.
Nematodes are a great biological defence against fleas. They are non-toxic and has to humans and pets. They are effective against fleas because they feed on flea larvae and may go ahead to feed on other pests in your yard, such as ticks as well.
This product normally comes in the form of a spray. You don’t know where to spray these nematodes? One trick you can adopt in knowing areas to apply the nematodes is to check whether the area is directly under the sun or whether it is shaded. Fleas hate the light and will only hide in places that give them a bit of a cover.
Diatomaceous Earth
Amongst our home remedies for fleas in yard, diatomaceous earth provides a natural way of dealing with these fleas. Its effect is also long term. Sprinkle a sizable amount in your yard, in areas that are dry. DE works only in its powdered form, so avoid using on wet areas or during the wet months.
A flea-free yard is our best defense against flea infestations. In other words, your yard provides our first line of defense against fleas turning our homes to their den. As you take these steps to eliminate fleas from your surroundings, kindly apply these home remedies for fleas in yard that we have put up into good use. They may just be the difference between the end of your flea troubles or a burgeoning flea infestation. Make your choice.