Most people ask us “Does salt kill fleas in carpet?” Today we are going to answer this question. All around the world fleas are a headache. They can cause a lot of trouble. Their after-effects are also worst. Not only they cause flea bites that are full of itchiness but also they cause several other infections. They are also responsible for spreading number of tape-worms and hence they are dangerous not only for pet animals but also for infants.
Luckily fleas and their infestation can easily be treated today. There are number of bio-remedies available for that purpose. You can even prepare most of those remedies at home by using natural substances. But one of the best and easiest remedy is use of salt to treat a flea infestation.

Salt Against Fleas
This is the part where question “Does salt kill fleas in carpet?” arises. The reason salt is such a good ingredient against infestation of fleas is that it is cheap and easily available. All you would have to do is to go to your kitchen. Salt is good against fleas because it is a dehydrating agent. As a result, when used on flea infestation it dries out the insect’s body killing them instantly. All insects in the world respire through their skin. Their exoskeleton release gases on reacting with moisture and help them survive. However, when salt is poured upon them their out skin dehydrates hence not allowing them to respire and as a result they die.
However, you would have to use salt carefully as it attracts moisture itself for absorbing it. If left too long in your carpet and fabric during hot and humid condition, you will end up with salty wet carpets.
Heavy Infestation
In case infestation is too heavy and strong, try to use salt mixed up with boric acid. Boric acid is another compound which can be found easily on all grocery stores. Small amount of boric acid is non-toxic however large amount may cause some health issues. Therefore do not use it frequently and only apply it in condition when infestation is too heavy.
Salt and boric acid both are equally good but do not try to use them on your pets or yourself. You will only end up with dried skin and your pet might suffer other skin issues because of that. For pets always use flea shampoos and flea sprays.
To use salt in proper manner you can grind it up into powdered form by using an electric grinder which is mostly used in kitchen. It will help salt to be broken into much smaller particles which will be absorbed more easily into your carpet. Also you have to wash all your fabric and carpets once the infestation is finished. Because nobody wants a salty carpet at the end of the day.
This technique is good as flea bombs and flea infestation control by professional can cause you hundreds of dollars. But remember to watch tutorials for application of this technique online. Also always apply these techniques in your home portion by portion so that you are left with some spot to live in. since now you have answer to the question “Does salt kill fleas in carpet?” we hope that this technique will help you and that you like it.