It is important to control tick and flea infestation. The major way fleas infest homes is through the pets. When you allow your pets to play outside a lot, you stand a high risk of attracting ticks and flea into your home.
Once these pests have entered your home, they are not easy to get rid of; they practically spread throughout the house in every stage of metamorphosis and penetrate every hidden space. However, there are precautions and methods you can use to apply to reduce their population or prevent them from penetrating your home.

Bedding: When pests invade a home, they get shaken off into bed sheets, mattresses, pillow cases and pet beddings. These materials should be carefully machine washed under high heat – fleas cannot survive in high heat. This will ensure that every single one is killed off. The bedding should be transferred immediately after washing into a dryer.
Clean Carpets: rugs and carpets get insect eggs, pupae and larvae more than the adult stage especially the areas under furniture. This is why it is important for the carpet to be thoroughly clean with soaps and hot steam, the parasites in every stage will die off under the heat.
More Tips and Steps
Vacuum: use a vacuum cleaner to clean your whole house. Make sure that all corners are not left out, including those areas where pets sleep. Suck out both dirt and parasites, then carefully dispose of them at a safe distance to prevent re-infestation.
Groom pets: if pets are constantly taken care of, tick and fleas will not be a problem all. However, if a pet becomes infested, use a flea comb to groom the animal, it will detach fleas, flea feces and dirt from its body. Focus on its tail where the infestation is thicker, when you are through dispose of the parasites and dirt in hot water to kill them.
Use the above information to help control tick and flea infestation in your home.