Home Remedies for Flea Bites? If you or your pets are usually bitten by fleas, and you’re finding it difficult to treat the bites because of the dangers many flea bite treatment chemicals pose to your health, this article is for you.

There are simple but effective home remedies for flea bites that you can administer to both you and your pets in your battle against these pests and their bites. These remedies, though not as effective as their chemical counterparts, can give you quick and long-lasting relief from flea bites.
Effective Home Remedies:
- Washing with a Mild Soap
Wash bite area with warm water and a mild soap. Dry the washed area by dabbing lightly with a clean towel and then cover the bite to keep yourself from scratching it.
- Coconut oil
This oil is highly potent for reducing swollen flea bite bumps on the skin. Simply apply it all over the bite area and leave overnight. If you’re using coconut pulp, blend it with little water to form a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the bite area and cover with a bandage for one hour. Rinse and repeat the process twice every day.
- Baking Soda
This kitchen must-have has proven to be very effective in managing both health and environmental issues. It gives faster relief to itching flea bites compared to most other home treatments.
Mix equal amounts of water and baking soda in a container. Stir until mixture turns to a paste. Apply the resulting paste on the flea bite area and rinse off after about 20 minutes.
- Aloe Vera
Every home should have at least one potted Aloe Vera plant for its unique healing abilities.
Gently pluck one stalk of this healing plant and cut it open horizontally. Extract the gel carefully and apply it generously on bite area. You’ll notice a fast relief as soon as the gel has been absorbed in your skin.
- Black Tea
Prepare black tea the way you do when you want to drink it. Allow it to cool to ambient temperature and then apply on flea bite area with a soft cloth. Cover area with bandage and repeat process several times every day.
- Honey
This delicious product from bees is not only spectacular for consumption, it has also been known to be a medicinal antiseptic for certain health conditions. For flea bites, apply honey on the bite by rubbing it in circles. Rinse off with warm water after rubbing for about 15 minutes and you’d be surprised at how much relief you’ll get by doing this.
- Immersion in Oatmeal
You might find this hard to believe but oatmeal does provide fast relief to flea bites. Simply soak the affected part of your body in a mixture of oatmeal and warm water for about twenty minutes. By the time you rinse off the mixture, you’ll experience a soothing sensation around the bite area and the bump would have reduced in size.
In conclusion…
Home remedies are usually all natural and easy to use options for treating itchy flea bug bites. These simple remedies will also help, in certain circumstances, to treat other types of bites as well!