People are different and will react in several ways to bites though there is always a central or general reaction of an itchy sensations followed by an angry red bump. Some are allergic to mosquito bites, others itch just a little and it goes away on its own without any treatment after a few days.

Welts may develop and it can be in different sizes like a big mosquito bite and the surrounding skin will redden and swell up, sometimes it feels sore to the touch. Blisters and sore which arise due to excessive scratching or allergies can be intensely painful and hideous to look at. Rare conditions caused by a mosquito bite, are known as Skeeter syndrome and HMB (hypersensitivity to mosquito bites)
Skeeter syndrome causes your body to react to a mosquito bites as if it were a harmful infection. The bitten area is often warm, red and swollen. If you are severely allergic the area may develop blisters alongside internal symptoms seen through nausea and high fever.
Hypersensitivity to mosquito bites causes the patient to react intensely to a bite, following this, an acute and fast swelling occurs. The blisters which will form inevitably are filled with liquid and if handled poorly are likely to erupt. The patient may experience other symptoms like high fever and kidney failure.
Another serious condition that a person can have as result of a mosquito bite is Anaphylaxis. It is probably the worst of the three. Anaphylaxis can cause mistake the bite as an allergy and react as such, you may go into shock even without the visibility of the bite. It requires immediate medical assistance as you may not be able to breathe properly.
What to do when bitten
First thing to note is that, mosquitoes do not have venom like scorpion or some species of spiders so you can rule that out. If the bite begins to increase in size, place an ice pack over it to reduce the swelling. Then wash the area with a disinfectant soap and water because the problems associated with mosquito bites is caused by the saliva. Keeping the spot clean should get rid of all traces of mosquito fluid.
Buy recommended antihistamines from a pharmacy to soothe the itch and reduce swelling. Some topical products (tablets or gels) can be used to treat it. If the bites are sore and relentlessly painful, you can buy some prescribed pain killers to numb it and if your child was also bitten, be sure that the product you treat him/her with are safe for kids.
Mosquito bites rarely require medical attention, but if the spot isn’t getting any better and if you suspect you are going into anaphylactic shock then you direly need a hospital. Mosquitoes are capable of spreading some diseases such as malaria. If your region or State is riddled with disease spreading mosquitoes, then you have to stay alert. Watch yourself and family for any unusual symptoms. You could experience upset stomach, joint pain or a high fever, these are in line with a disease probably transmitted through mosquito bites.
Flea bites appearance
Flea bites usually look like a line-up of tiny reddish lumps. Like mosquitoes, these insect’s bites are extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Each swollen bump is circular and surrounded by a red halo (ring) While mosquitoes only bite and fly off, fleas prefer to stay stuck on their preferred host for their entire life time, which explains why they bite frequently. If you are allergic or highly sensitive to fleas and flea saliva, you may exhibit more symptoms than normal or feel the usual symptoms more. Some patients have bite marks that are like tiny wounds.

If an area is infested with fleas, you will continue to suffer from flea bites and that only makes matters worse. The wounds will begin to develop blisters and angry red rashes.
Flea bites can cause an inflammatory response in the body especially in children. This condition is better known as Papular urticaria and it is chronic. The child or patient may burst into hives practically anywhere on the body, it will ooze out pus like fluid and itch relentlessly. In severe cases, the disease may lead to throat swelling, effectively cutting of supply of air.
Flea bite treatment
Flea bites are notorious for festering if left untreated so when you notice a bite treat immediately. For one, you will reduce your urge to scratch the spot. You see, flea bite is open, after all the insect has to pierce your skin. This is why it is imperative that you treat and try your best not to scratch in order not to open it further.
First, wash the area with water and an antiseptic soap, if it has blistered already, wash carefully to avoid bursting.
After this, place an ice pack on it to reduce swelling and soothe itching. Then buy an antihistamine lotion or cream and apply on the wound. Calamine lotion is known to soothe itches best. If you suspect that it is infected (exuding pus and not responding to treatment) see your doctor. Be sure to check if an internal parasite like tapeworm was transmitted in the course of flea infestation.
In the end, it is best to prevent flea infestation than eradicate. If you think or suspect there might be an infestation, disinfect the house with an insect repellent and administer preventatives to your pets once every month. Read More…