When fleas are an issue, most will wash any bedding or other household items which leads to the question can fleas live in your washing machine?
It is difficult dealing with a flea infestation. Fleas are small, evasive, and persistent. You have to treat various parts of your home and possessions, including your clothes and beddings. It is cheaper and easier to wash and treat clothes in the washing machine, but some homeowners may be wary of infesting equipment that comes in contact with every piece of clothing material in their home. So we got the answer to “can fleas live in your washing machine?”
It is difficult to eliminate fleas because the flea population consists of four groups, and most treatment can’t eradicate all four groups. The groups are divided into their stages of development, namely eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. Some flea treatment only sterilizes adult fleas, some kills any flea in the last three stages but doesn’t affect the eggs, while some only dry up the eggs.

Can Fleas Live in Your Washing Machine
Fleas can’t survive the actions of a running washing machine, although nothing is 100 percent certain. Let’s discuss why.
- Mechanical actions
There is a lot of turbulence from the spinning and turning involved inside a washing machine and dryer. The action alone is enough to dislodge the little pests from your clothe and beddings, but it probably won’t kill them. However, they will get washed off into the drainage when you drain the washing machine.
- Detergents
Like every other insect, adult fleas and eggs can survive for a long time underwater (up to days). Fleas are also buoyant on water, meaning that they can stay on the surface. The chemicals in the soap make it difficult for fleas to survive. They sink and become unable to float to the surface, but the soapy water is not conducive; therefore, they suffocate.
- Heat
Fleas are strong but not strong enough to survive high temperatures. The heat fries your unwanted little pests. You have to consider the maximum temperature resistance of the clothing material when setting the washing temperature, or else you may damage it. Check the tag and use the maximum temperature recommended for the cloth.
All three factors work collectively.
Tips for Using the Washing Machine to Treat Fleas
- Place the clothing directly in the washing machine: Transfer beddings and clothing directly from their location to the washing machine to avoid infesting other parts of your house.
- Wash in batches: You may be tempted to overstuff the washing machine if the laundry is much, but this only compromises the efficiency of your treatment. It may even damage your washing machine.
- Use high temperature: Fleas won’t be able to survive a temperature of about 35-degree Celcius (95-degree Fahrenheit). You also have to consider the heat tolerance of the clothing material.
- Use laundry additives: Regular detergents will do the job, but you can never be too careful. You can use laundry additives to increase the efficiency of your treatment.
Fleas can’t live in your washing machine, but you can follow the tips above to prevent the unlikely situation. Consult your vet when dealing with a serious infestation