Since most cats don’t usually like baths, bathing your cat may not be an advisable option to get rid of fleas, so what do you do?
It is not uncommon to see fleas on pets (cats and dogs) especially in North America. Fleas lives on cats blood for nourishment as well as reproduction. This occurs on dogs too and sometimes, but not often, in humans because of the absence of fur where they can hide. Cat fleas have no restrictions when sucking blood, as they also feast on rats and other furry animals. Usually, your cat losing hair amongst other signs, are indications that it has contracted fleas. You may also find it scratching the infected areas more frequently till it becomes bare. Then it gets worse. Heavy flea infestation brutally affects your cat’s health and could be lethal to kittens. Therefore, it is best to keep your cats indoors to prevent them contracting fleas. They will also bring the Fleas home! Now is when is it is time to start researching home remedies for fleas without bathing.
If you are already noticing the symptoms of scratching and cat hair loss, you do not need to worry much, go see the movie, “secret life of pets 1 and 2”, you will learn a thing or two and here is a summary of home remedies for fleas on cats without bathing that you should use.
Please note that pet products are not entirely safe for your pets, so ensure you deliberate on the type of pesticide you choose, and also communicate regularly with your local vet.
Home Remedies for fleas on cats without bathing
Use flea brush or comb combined with lemon on your cat; fleas don’t like the lemon smell and are often deterred by them. Merging the flea comb with lemon pretty much gets the work done, while some sharp and pointy-toothed comb does the job two times easier. After getting the pest out with the comb, a prolonged trail of lemon will keep the fleas from coming back.
Apply distinctive anti-flea sprays to your cat’s sheet. Never take your cat’s sheets and furniture for granted, always keep them clean and sprayed with anti-fleas.
Try to use flea collars every once in a while; flea collars are useful in helping eradicate fleas from sheet regions. Flea eggs and larvae gain full development in a short while, so these collars have insect growth regulators to prevent it.
You can eradicate cat fleas with salt! Salt which is a common everyday substance is a recent finding that proves very effective against cat fleas. The salt, however, acts as a drying agent and desiccates the fleas. Therefore, you must acquire some domestic salt, ground to a finite level, and dash it casually over your rug.
Repeated cleaning of furnishings and rugs; this goes a long way towards keeping cat fleas away from the home. If you use a vacuum machine, always empty and remove the dust outside. Take note of your cat’s favorite relaxation spots and clean it up as well.