Nobody wants fleas, but when you have them, you may wonder how to get rid of them. If you have pets and plants, you may wonder about Animal and Plant Friendly Flea Control Measures. The anti-flea market attracts truckloads of pet control measures. Besides that, these tiny pesky creatures make life miserable for your pets, they can also bite and leave itching and swollen spots on humans. Indeed, a flea infestation can be nightmarish to pets – and pet owners.
Pesticides are widely considered effective for flea control. However, these products have posed more enormous challenges to pet owners than, even, the fleas. Pesticides come with some dreaded side effects.
Thankfully, some products are more natural and relatively safe – do not harm plants or animals in your yard. Let’s look at some animal and plant friendly flea control measures.
Diatomaceous Earth for Flea Control

One animal and plant friendly flea control measure is DIatomaceous Earth. Gardening- or food-grade diatomaceous earth is a trusted option. Note, however, that diatomaceous earth specifically made for swimming pool filter are not fit for flea control.
That said, before application, ensure you put on goggles and face mask – and other relevant protective gears – before application. Although the earth is mild on humans once applied, its dust can cause some minor adverse effects – particularly for asthmatic patients and dust-sensitive persons.
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in areas around your home where you suspect an infestation. Distribute powder with a push spreader, shaker can, or a hand spreader – based on the area you wish to treat. Ensure you focus on areas your pets are fond of. This will help ensure your pets and plants are safe.
Beneficial Nematodes Another Flea Control Measure
Here’s another harmless flea-control measure you want to try. You can find beneficial nematodes in the gardening center, nursery, or related suppliers. Nematodes have different types – each for a specific pest control purpose. So, when buying, go for one suited for fleas. Nematodes will be safe for your plants and animals.
Sprinkle nematodes in areas you suspect have fleas – both in and outside your home. Each product comes with a distinct usage directive. Follow users’ description and apply as instructed.
While hand spreaders work best for powders, sprayers are most suitable for applying liquids.
Repeat application as deemed necessary. These animals will feed on fleas in your yard for about three months. Reapply nematodes whenever you notice fleas still lurking around your yard. This is an effective flea-control measure!
Hand or spreader
Face mask
Shaker can (optional)
Beneficial nematodes
Pro Tips
In some cases, you may not necessarily treat the entire house. Focus on areas with a noticeable infestation, particularly areas where your pets spend most of their time. This will ensure that you are using it in areas your animal visits most. This gets the most out of your flea-control measures!
Wear long white socks and tuck your pants in. If an area is infested, you will notice the fleas jumping on your socks. If noticed, focus on that area.
Besides fleas, you can use diatomaceous earth to tackle maggots, grubs, thrips, snails, and slugs.
When Using for Plant and Animal Protection
Diamatoceous loses its effectiveness if it gets wet. Reapplication may be necessary if this occurs. When used in very humid areas, beneficial nematodes prove more effective than diatomaceous earth.
Besides flea, diatomaceous earth also feeds on beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. So, caution should be taken during application.